
Trisura Group Ltd. Overview
Trisura is a leading specialty insurance provider operating in the Surety, Risk Solutions, Corporate Insurance, and Fronting business lines of the market. Our operating subsidiaries include a Canadian specialty insurance company and a US specialty insurance company. Our Canadian specialty insurance subsidiary started writing business in 2006 and has a strong underwriting track record over its 17 years of operation, with a newly launched US surety platform integrated with our Canadian team. Our US specialty insurance company has participated as a hybrid fronting entity in the non-admitted markets since early 2018 and is licensed as an excess and surplus lines insurer in Oklahoma with the ability to write business across 50 states. Our US specialty insurance company can also write business on an admitted basis in 49 states. We continue the process of applying for licenses in the remaining state.
Trisura has an experienced management team, strong partnerships with brokers, program administrators and reinsurers, and a specialized underwriting focus. We plan to grow by building our business in the US and Canada, both organically and through strategic acquisitions. We believe we can capitalize on favourable market conditions through our multi-line and multi-jurisdictional platform.
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TSX Trust Company
A focus on ESG
Trisura believes that acting responsibly toward all stakeholders is fundamental to operating a productive, profitable and sustainable business. This underlies our philosophy of conducting business with a long-term perspective in a sustainable and ethical manner.
Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our times. Countries, including United Kingdom, United States, Germany, Italy, France and Japan, have committed to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. Canada has made intensive efforts to target 40-50 percent emission reduction by 2030. Climate-related risks are strategically relevant to our business over time.
Although Trisura’s property exposure is primarily related to fronted programs, physical and weather-related risks have an impact on the property-exposed business that Trisura retains, and we continue to adapt our business to the impacts of climate change through enhanced catastrophe modelling, adjustments to pricing practices related to severe weather, continuing to refine how we select property-exposed business and structure appropriate reinsurance coverage.
We recognize the importance of taking responsibility for charitable efforts, both globally and within the communities in which we operate.
We value our employees, actively seek opportunities to develop them and to ensure they are engaged. We are committed to fostering, cultivating, and preserving a culture of diversity and inclusion. Equity and inclusion are imperative to our business. To that effect, Trisura has also engaged a service provider to assist with the development of an equity framework, which we intend to implement.
The Board has ultimate oversight of ESG strategy, which includes oversight of climate related risks and opportunities. The Board receives regular updates on Trisura's ESG initiatives throughout the year.
The Governance Committee is responsible for implementing the board diversity policy, monitoring progress towards the achievement of its objectives and recommending to the Board any necessary changes that should be made to the policy. The Board committed to meeting the gender diversity target of at least 30% of Directors identifying as women; with the election of Sacha Haque at our 2024 annual meeting of shareholders the Board has exceeded this target with 4 out of 9 Directors identifying as women.
Please refer to our Management Information Circular and Management Discussion and Analysis for more detailed ESG-related disclosure.

Corporate Governance
The Board of Directors is responsible for oversight of risk management and internal control systems and policies. The Board of Directors has established Board of Directors level risk committees at group and subsidiary levels, whose members are largely independent of management. These committees meet quarterly to oversee and challenge the development and effectiveness of risk management frameworks and priorities and to review risk reporting.
The Group Risk Management function, under the direction of the Group Chief Risk Officer, promotes sound and effective risk management across the Company by (i) ensuring the effective processes are in place to identify, assess, monitor, manage and report the risks to which the Company is or might be exposed, (ii) facilitating the setting of risk tolerances, limits and appetite by the Board and (iii) providing comprehensive and timely information on material risks which enables the Board and the Risk Committee to understand the overall risk profile of the Company. The Group Chief Risk Officer liaises with Risk Officers at subsidiary levels to develop consistency of approach with respect to risk identifying, assessing, monitoring, managing and reporting tailored to the operations of the subsidiaries.
All Risk Officers at group and subsidiary levels report directly to their relevant risk committees. In addition, there are management level risk and underwriting committees at group and subsidiary levels with escalation processes to Board of Directors level committees.
Trisura Group Ltd. Board of Directors
Trisura Group Ltd. Risk Committee
Trisura Group Ltd. Audit Committee
Trisura Canada Risk Committee
Trisura US Audit and Risk Committee
Group Risk Management Function
Entity Level Risk Management Functions
Entity Level Management Underwriting and Risk Committees
Contact Investor Relations
For information regarding Trisura Group Ltd. please contact:
Bryan SinclairSenior Vice President
Trisura Group Ltd.
Transfer Agent TSX Trust Company 416-682-3860 1-800-387-0825
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